MacUpdate has some listings:
- PocketMac for BlackBerry mixed reviews; a lot of people seem to have the same issues I’ve been having, but not everyone; as always, YMMV.
- GroupCal Share iCal calendars with Outlook or Exchange users. Also seems to work in BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server) environments.
- The Missing Sync for BlackBerry from Mark/Space. Again, mixed reviews, but I think it’s better-liked (and better-behaved?) than PocketMac.
- Evernote “…capture information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient, and makes this information accessible and searchable at anytime, from anywhere.”
- PocketMac RingtoneStudio for BlackBerry “…create ringtones from practically any multimedia file—from QuickTime movies to unprotected music files of all types.…” Mixed reveiws.
- The Missing Sync for iPhone Another one from Mark/Space. Got an iPhone or an iPod Touch along with your BlackBerry? This one might just come in handy.
- iForgot “ontrol your Mac using email, text messaging or SMS with iForgot. Use another computer, your cell phone or a portable electronic device to search your Mac for files using Spotlight, fax documents, take iSight snapshots, or forward files to other email accounts using simple commands. iForgot is there when you need it to save the day when you forget to grab a file or launch an application before you leave home.” I can’t think of any time I’d ever have had to use this. Yeah, that’s the ticket!!!
- AddressX Sync between Address Book and Exchange.
- M4P Converter Convert all of those non-MP3 and -AAC music files so they’ll play nicely with that nice BlackBerry (and you don’t need to burn and then trash a CD to do it). It only lists PPC under platform, however.
- Navizon “…a software-only wireless positioning system that triangulates signals broadcasted from Wi-Fi access points and Cellular towers to help the users find their way in most major metropolitan areas worldwide. The Navizon network is based on a collaborative database. Members with a GPS device can use Navizon to map the Wi-Fi and cellular landscape in their neighborhoods. Once they synchronize their data, it is made available to all the other users of the network. This way, users who don't have a GPS device can benefit from a positioning system. And it's free for personal use!”
- Kerio MailServer If you’re of a truly technical bent, set up your own mail server!
- e2Sync iSync and Entourage