Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get Famous, Retire, Dance?

Woz strikes again! From a week ago:

Woz’s Dancing With The Stars Promo

Not sure about the pink, either, but I think I’d like to see the routine…

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sorry, Mr Jobs, Just Because You…

…did away with Firewire ports doesn’t mean my FireWire hard drives are going to shrivel up, go POOF!!, and send me off to buy new USB ones in an act of mindless worship…

From Wired Magazine today:

Steven Levy's Ode to Vintage Ports

I will have to raise a glass of vintage port to the first commenter, though!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Guy Kawasaki Meets Rube Goldberg

Well, OK, @guyawasaki tweeted a SciAm article which starts out talking about Rube Goldberg…

It then continues on to talk about, as Guy put it, “Why you need to make your manuals and instructions easy to read”.

Makes sense.

Ouch! Did I just say that?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Of Course, Right After We Jump Ship…

…to AT&T, what does Verizon go and do?

On this afternoon:

Verizon Lays Out LTE Plans

…“The 4G network is based on Long Term Evolution technology, which has been chosen by most of the world’s cellular providers due to its theoretical 100-Mbps download speed.…”

Even if they only get close to 100 Mbps, wow!! The article mentions Sprint’s WiMax-based Clearwire 4G network. AT&T seems to have a love/hate thang going with WiMax; it’ll be interesting to see how that falls out in the end.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And Not to Be Outdone…

…the iPod family has an Alltop page, too.

Warning! Warning!

@Alltop has a great BlackBerry page!!

You’ve been warned…

Monday, February 16, 2009

But Not on BlackBerry?

Good news, bad news, perhaps…

On Ars Technica this morning:

Flash 10 coming to a non-Apple smartphone near you in 2010

“Adobe says that Flash 10—the full version, not just Lite—will be available on a number of smartphones by 2010. That list does not include the iPhone, but it does include Windows Mobile, Symbian, and even Palm webOS.”

No mention of BlackBerry, but, as some of the comments go, that may not necessarily be a bad thing. There’s nothing worse than having to wait for a totally pointless, dog-slow Flash animation to load when there’s no “click here to escape” link; OTOH, so many Web designers/content providers can’t seem to get it in their heads how despicable they’re being. On a totally other hand, though, there are some pretty hysterical Flash things out there that I’d not want to miss.     :::sigh:::

Friday, February 6, 2009


From Quotes of the Day, today:

If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play at it, it’s recreation. If you work at it, it’s golf.
- Bob Hope

Monday, February 2, 2009

I’m Hooked, and Convinced

I’ve been playing with the BlackBerry, and becoming more and more pleased with it, but this afternoon sealed it permanently.

I took a picture on the BB and was able to immediately send it to RenRen, Bob, and my not-work blog.