Thursday, February 10, 2011

HP Strikes Back

From Darren Murph, on Engadget, yesterday: HP’s 9.7-inch TouchPad: webOS 3.0 tablet with 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon, coming this summer

As usual, the comments are worth the price of admission; so far, there’s only one fanboy jab!!

I do like the concept of real, gen-u-ine multitasking, and WebOS sounds like it’s got a much better clue than iOS, but whatever-device-it-is has to be able to synch with the current herd… We shall see what HP comes up with.

Dan Frommer’s not particularly impressed: Sorry, But HP’s TouchPad Is No Threat To Apple’s iPad

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Apple World Domination

From (Apple FanBoy) Dan Frommer’s post today, on Business Insider: Apple’s Special Weapon In Its iPad War Against Google

It’ll be interesting to see what the numbers look like in six months, and in a year.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Apple’s Next Step to World Domination?

From CNN, this afternoon: Apple poised to make ‘universal’ iPhone, says analyst:

“Apple has the pieces needed to build an iPhone model that can connect to just about any cellular network.

“The evidence was found under the hood of a new iPhone 4 unit made for Verizon Wireless.…”

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Moron-ification of the Mac?

A very interesting, but rather scary, discussion from MacWorld:

Macworld Expo Panel: The Future of the Mac

MacWorld’s (the magazine) Jason Snell corrals Daring Fireball’s John Gruber, TidBits publisher Adam Engst, and Macworld's Dan Moren on various Mac OS vs iOS issues.